System Components
Account Pages
System Settings
CSV to Form
This tool allows you to upload a CSV file and convert it into a form.
- Name: The name of the form that will be created (required, maximum of 255 characters).
- Workspace: If the workspace is required in the system settings, you will need to choose a workspace.
- Theme: If the theme is required in the system settings, you will need to choose a theme.
- CSV File: The file that you need to upload. You must follow the provided template, which has a header for each field. The header should be formatted like this: {"field_name":"Field Name","field_type":"type"}. the below fields type are allowed: (required)
- Text
- Textarea
- Number: Should be numeric.
- Email: Should be a valid email address.
- URL: Should be a valid URL.
- Tel: Should be numeric.
- Select
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Date
- Datetime-local
- Color: Should be hexadecimal.
- Rating-star: Should be from 1 to 5.
- Rating-face: Should be one of the following: Neutral, Excellent, Good, Bad, Terrible.
- Rating-like: Should be "Like" or "Dislike".
- Rating-net-promoter-score: Should be from 1 to 10.